Father & Daughter Duet (Go ‘Head Miss India)!

I am a Daddy’s girl, no question.  And I love to see other Daddies girls. 

Eric Benet and his daughter share a close relationship.  He has raised her solo.  Halle played step-mom until that whole sex addict scandal went down.

It was a pleasant surprise to see this duet of father and daughter promoting Eric’s upcoming new album.

It is so touching just to see the special bond they share.  Aaaannnndddd Miss India can blow!  Go girl!  Hope an album is in your future star 🙂

2 Responses to “Father & Daughter Duet (Go ‘Head Miss India)!”

  1. She’s gotta real voice! A dead ringer for the remake of the movie classic”Sparkle”.

  2. kingsleygrant Says:

    Its good to see a father so involved or seemingly involved in his child’s life. From this observation even though pictures don’t always say everything, yet I must give props to Eric for raising his daughter by himself. We hear a lot about single moms and the challenges they face in raising their children as well as the great job they do. We don’t hear much about single dads doing similar things. So big props to Eric. As a family blogger, this caught my attention.

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